1, knife-shaped (K / SK) iron head, features: the mouth is knife-shaped, vertical or pull welding welding can be, is a multi-purpose iron head. Application: Suitable for SOJ/PLCC/SOP/QFP power supply, grounding part of the components, correction of tin bridge, connectors and other welding.
2, conical iron head (B type), features: the tip is conical, the front end can be welded. Application: suitable for general welding, regardless of the size of the soldering point, can be used B-type soldering iron tip
3、Horseshoe iron head (C type), features: the mouth is horseshoe-shaped, the beveled part of the mouth for welding. Application scope: suitable for more tin amount of welding, such as welding a large area, thick terminals, welding pad large welding environment.
4、Flat head shape (D type) iron head, features: the mouth is flat head shape, with flat head part of the welding. Application scope: suitable for the need for more tin amount of welding, such as welding a large area, thick terminals, solder joints large welding environment
5、Pin tip soldering iron head (I type), features: the front end of the soldering iron head is a needle tip shape. Application scope: suitable for soldering the environment of narrow space or correct the soldering chip produced when the tin bridge.

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Branding iron head complete production material process procedure

Branding iron head complete production material process procedure

Qualified soldering iron head, is a copper, iron, nickel, chromium, tin five kinds of metal materials
Tips for maintaining your soldering iron

Tips for maintaining your soldering iron

Soldering iron should be one of our * commonly used tools, just like the steel gun in the hands of a warrior, soldering iron and steel gun as well as the need for maintenance.If the maintenance is not appropriate
How should I maintain the soldering iron tip of the automatic soldering machine?

How should I maintain the soldering iron tip of the automatic soldering machine?

About the maintenance of the soldering iron head, in fact, is the two main components of the iron head core and the maintenance of the iron head.